Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Great day, all things considered. Results!
2 C's: D&T (which was a given, because my teacher hates me), and French (which I suck at)
1 B: Physics (although i'm looking into that, seems to be an outlier there)
7 A's: R.E. , English, English Lit, Maths, Chemistry, Biology, ICT
1 A*: History!
Yippee dippee doo!
Doing nothing today, but my weekend seems like it'll be filling up hopefully. Should be going to a short shindig tommorow, a possible rave on saturday and a family meal on sunday.
Jeez, 7 A's....... well done!!!!! :D To quote some musical or book (can't remember which) nothing's going to stop you now. :)