Well hello there! I haven't blogged in a while, and am thinking about turning this into more of a review/sort of thing, rather then grumblings about my average life.
First up;
Right, well I have finally got Batman: Arkham Asylum for the PC. After jumping through various hoops such as the f!cking Games for Windows Live crap, I got it to work.
First impressions?
Fucking. Awesome.
Due to the crappiness of my PC's graphics card, I could only play it in less-than-stellar performance, but it didn't matter. The combat is frankly amazing, but can get rather trivial or complex when many things are happening at once. It devolves into a clicking fest quickly but timing moves correctly can be outstanding. The layout of the place is rather well-rendered, and the atmosphere is great. The storyline, although nothing spectacularly groundbreaking, is to be praised for its execution of the "Batman vs EVERYONE" mythos.
In-game cinematics were not so great, what with my graphics, but out-of-play cinematics were brilliant.
Level design; rather good, although I have seen a number of the arbitrary levels; the stealth level, the sewer level, the jumping-around level, etc. Oh well.
I've only encountered three boss fights at the moment. The first not-so-boss-like mutated joker goon was a simple matter of jumping out of the way. The next, Scarecrow, was absolutley fantastic. Seriously, that level was absolutley extraordinary. Let's just say you use the Bat-Signal in a more...potent way then usual :P.
Bane was nothing special, although it did piss me off what with slow reaction times through the game.
Also, a Batcave is used (of course) but it isn't as fancy as the ones in the movies. Oh well.
Last note; is it wrong that I felt more angry with goons trying to trash the Batmobile then I did when doctors were being kidnapped?
Bottom Line; It's awesome.
There we go. Toodle-oo for now, am having to pack mule stuff to Uni tommorow. Yay?
You're going Uni?!?!?!?!?!?!?
ReplyDeleteThat game does look awesome. I had Marvel Ultimate Alliance awhile back (I know, Marvel, boo, hiss) but never really got into it. It was similar to that, tho. Maybe I should give it another try....
I have this game, I haven't got round to it yet but thanks for the review.
ReplyDeleteYeah, to lug around my illustious brother's crap :P
It is a great game, and no problem!
awesome review :o
ReplyDeletevery well structured and wot not.