Thursday, 28 May 2009


Strikes me that I haven't posted here in a while; nothing much to report, except that revision is taking quite some time. Things won't stick.

Luckily, today was spent devoted to Physics. Physics, one of my favourite and *best* subjects; it strikes me as being a firm choice of job? But I digress.

Maths, Physics, Computing. A strong trio of subjects that will hopefully propel me to work that I will enjoy. Ideal jobs?
- Physics game engine developer?
- Working in NASA or something; rocket science, astronomy?
- Programming/software creation?

Let's hope things go my way.

Sunday, 24 May 2009


Hurm. I'm needing to shave a lot more, as the stubble is growing a lot faster. And you can't go wrong with a picture of Lincoln.

I'm toying with the idea of growing out a beard, like over summer. As some people said, if you cut regularly, it'll just grow back faster. Idea?

I might grow it out into either a full-on beard, which might look a bit off, or I could just go for the evil genius goatee. That would be hilarious as fuck. But yeah, beard-growing during summer? Perhaps, perhaps. I don't know if my baby-face is up for it ;)

So I ask you bloggers, yay or nay to a beard?

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


'Cause I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real Shady
All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?

Addicted to that song. Anyway, finished exams 'till June. Fab. I need to go out more though. I want to see Star Trek!

Saturday, 16 May 2009


Om nom nom head filled with maths jargon and english banter= good?

Nocturnal me= Batman????

Hurm. More serious post later. Mebbe an intro for the story-blog.

Friday, 15 May 2009

The end of all things

That's it; end of compulsory education. Pic unrelated, it's just badass.

It has been a good run. The two years there have had thier ups and downs, their goods and bads. But they were great.
I still can't believe that i'm not going in on Monday for lessons.

There are lessons that i'll miss, and some not so much;

- ICT; had a great group of friends, was irritating at times with c/w but we persevered by helping each other out. I'm taking Computing, so it'll be similar.

- French; To be fair, I won't miss it. I can't stand it. I sat next to an irritating chav for most of it- the first year, though, was fun; great group. Pity new teacher moved us all around.

- D&T; I'll miss some of the group. I won't miss the teacher, whom we call "Mr Douchebag", constantly destroying my work.

- English; I'll miss this, alot. I had a great class, and we had some fantastic times together. We ended very fittingly though, I thought. If I had another slot next year, I would have chose an English.

- Sciences; I shall miss my science class. By the end, we all knew each other pretty well, and I met some great people there. Also, I shall miss very much Mr T. He was great; he's leaving though! However, I am taking Physics next year, so it's all good.

- R.E. ; This I will miss very much so. It was, essential, a doss lesson with an awesome teacher. He was just like me and my mates thier, and our writing adventures were truly epic.

- Maths; The class was fantastic. 'nuff said. I'm taking it next year.

- History; I'm taking it next year- it was boring at times though.

I'll miss it all.
S, O, R. Keep in touch.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

On the topic of...


I'm not gonna talk about exams, because there's other people for that. French speaking went crap; I forgot everything. R.E. made my wrist hurt. Ugh.

Onto brighter subjects! Yesterday was the season finale for Heroes, end of Fugitives.
Well, what can I say? It was a decent pair of episodes, i'm glad they showed them back-to-back. I admire Sylar's ability of framing Danko, but the best bit came near the end. After some sort of bondage/slave scene with Sylar coming onto Claire, we get to the best trash talk the series had to offer;
"I'll take him low, you take him high. Let's cut this son of a bitch in half"
I mean, seriously, how cool is that? Nathan and Peter arrive at the door, to see Claire being thrown out. They fly in to Sylar wielding blue lightning.
Waiting for the fight scene.
See flashes of blue coming out of the closed door. See Claire peering through the door crack.
Waiting for the fight scene.
Hear huge explosions/lightning strikes.
Waiting for the fight scene.
Commotion stops. Claire walks in to rubble/fire.


I mean that was the best bit of the series, having Peter and Nathan, flying, taking on a lightning-wielding Sylar! All pewpew lazers and SFX! Gah!

Then we have some sort of ending; i'm not sure how to approach it. In short, Sylar kills Nathan. Pete tranquillizes Sylar by using a very clever gambit. Matt memory-overrides Sylar, apparently getting rid of his memories and infuses Nathan's memories in there. Then the shape-changing makes him into Nathan.


They just killed off Sylar! You can't do that kind of head fuckery without a bunch of consequences! My bets are just Nathan getting some kind of Schizo going with Sylar. But no more Zachary Quinto! Nooooooooo! He was like the most badass of them all!

Also, naked water-woman apparently drown-kills some agent. Bets on her being the 3rd sister.

All in all, it was a kinda dissapointing ending. They missed out the epic fight scene (which they have a habit of doing; hello series one ending?) and they did some kind of mind fuckery that i'm sure accounts for necromancy. If it wasn't for that trash talk, it would have been crap.

Story will come after exams.

Monday, 11 May 2009

A day in the life of Cryptex

- Wake up
- Have shower
- Get dressed whilst listning to news on teh radio
- Have EPIC breakast
- Leave house
- Nearly miss fudging HALF AN HOUR EARLY bus; running
- Bus journey=dozing off
- Before school antics
- Last ever D&T lesson w/ mr douchebag; blesses us
- Last ever assembly; im nominated for most likely to be a millionare xD
- Maths of suitably normalness, except for a MISMARK
- Break; pissing P off, attempts at pickpocketing fail
- Last ever P.E. ; epic badminton win
- Lunch- normal journey to morrisons, then epic lunch with ball-throwing and my lack of ability
- History- fall asleep due to tolpuddle martyrs
- Bus journey back; suitably epic and hilarious- S & J pull a "me" getting off at the stop before ours
- Home; whip out jeans, realise I have a test tommorow and freak-revise
- Bore off revision. Go onto TF2. Dinner.
- Early bed

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Small announcement

I have a new blog, at which will be my place where I shall practice some writing.

I'm thinking something sci-fi/steampunk?


One wonders what things made him the boy he is today. Who he looks up to. This will clear up any doubt, I hope.

There have been many Idols/Role Models for me growing up. There still is. A few of them are listed below;

- Sir Terry Pratchett. A veritable genius of humour, wit and creativity. His Discworld books had a significant positive impact on me, and they still do. A truly fantastic man.

- Hans Zimmer. If I had devoted more time to being musical, I would have aspired to be like the man. (For ignorant people, Hans Zimmer is the composer to many, MANY film soundtracks; the Batman films, Pirates of the Carribbean, Gladiator...)

- A plethora of actors. Patrick Steward, Ian Mckellen, Christopher Lee, Jack Black, Ben Stiller, Mike Myers, Harrison Ford, Leonard Nimoy, Zachary Quinto, Seth Green, Zach Braff, Will Smith. All fantastic. If I was to be a drama-guy, I would have followed thier lead.

- Serj Tankian. Not only for his work with System of a Down, not only for his solo work, but the work he does with the Axis of Justice.

- Neil Gaiman, for the same reasons as Terry Pratchett.

- Randall Munroe. For his work on xkcd, and the work for physics.

- My family. For being there when I need them.

- My friends. For giving me the ability to tolerate the days.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Human nature..

We all want to believe that what we do is very important.
That people hang onto our every word.
That they care what we think.
The truth is, you should consider yourself lucky if even occasionally you make anyone feel a little better.
After that, it's all about the people you let into your life.

Thursday, 7 May 2009


I am not a sentimental person...but I have my niches.

I enjoy nostalgia. I like memories.

I can't stand endings. Most of the time, I break down and cry for a bit. Call me weak, it's what I do. Endings..they are, in a word, the End. Finished. Done for. I hate the fact that despite the fact the thing has goes on. You've got to keep going. Life doesn't stop. Life keeps on rolling.

This post is brought on by me watching the series finale of Scrubs. It has long since been one of my favourite T.V. shows; I can identify with all of the characters - J.D. , Turk, Dr Cox, Elliot, Carla, Dr Kelso, Janitor...
I can't believe it's over. The finale...was apt. Truly, it was a brilliant show.
Other endings; things that might seem trivial to others, such as quitting World of Warcraft. It was for the better, but I don't regret a single minuite I spent there. I wasn't upset at the end of the game, but the companions I had made.

And now we come back to real life. I don't know if I'll be able to cope with the end of term here; seeing people that won't ever come back into my life. Sure, new people will come, perhaps for the better. But the memories...memories will always stay with me.
Probably the most distressing will be my oldest, most loyal friend is leaving. I've known him since pre-school, and we've stood by each other for many, many years. He's gonna leave. And he SUCKS at msn...

It should be silly of me to be upset at this; the main tearup will be end of Sixth Form..everyone going thier seperate ways. That'll break me.

I hate endings. So much.
If only life was simpler...go to school like this for stress of exams..just the ability to learn and socialise in a great environment. I belonged, in school. The outside scares me. I'm not one to walk the road like I own it..I slink alongside, pretending to blend in.

I wish everyone could stay as they were; happy.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Hitting the fan, it is.

In the short space of an afternoon everything seems to have gone to fuck; shit hitting the fan, so to speak.

I'm not asking for what happens- i'm asking for people to keep calm, as much as possible.

Somehow a cheerful post which I intended here seems...inappropriate. It will come later.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


In a sense, my foreboding was right. Barfed as soon as I got home. Bad times.

Bleh. Regardless, I still don't feel good.

Monday, 4 May 2009


I've just had the most terrible sense of foreboding. Hurm.

Personalities, and relations to games?

Anyone who has played an RTS; hell, any strategy game will know of the three principal ways of playing them- note this list is flexible, and can be altered as much as possible.

The Rusher - Focuses all energy/resources at the very start to try to overwhelm the enemy before they can react.

The Turtler - Focuses all energy/resources at the very start to erect defenses fast and to protect itself from enemies.

The Boomer - Focuses all energy/resources on trying to gain more and more resources, ignoring military ventures until endgame.

As can be inferred from this list, the Rush can defeat the Boom, the Boom can defeat the Turtle, the Turtle can defeat the Rush.

So how can this transfer into real life? Again, this is just generally stereotyping for me here, but we'll see how this goes.
Imagine the Rusher as a child in primary school. He focuses all his energy being social with other children, and as a result becomes popular early on. But, like most rushers, he becomes a jerk.
Let's personify the Turtle as a child too, but as a child who constantly builds walls around himself and makes sure he is protected from any problem, be this through personal strength or through close-knit groups.
Then we have the Boom. The weakest at the start, he focuses all energy on academics and skills for later life, neglecting social relationships, at most having one or two friends.
If we apply the same rules, the Rusher can easily overwhelm the Boomer, via bullying. The Turtle can defeat the Rush, as if he tries to make him a target the Turtle will overcome his assaults and will become known as a guy not to mess with. Then we have the Boomer overcoming the Turtle. Before we explain that scenario, let's look at the children as they progress.

The Rusher, having used all its energy early on, neglected its resources and so is left weak at endgame, without any proper resource base and a military that is trivial compared to others.
The Turtler is similar in that it does not have that many resources but regardless still focuses on defence. This however can be broken, due to the Turtle's methods of defence being outdated and easily overcome.
The Boom triumphs at endgame, having a strong resource base which can make its military and defence stronger then both the Rusher and the Turtler. It has become wildly self-sufficient, and can be vengeful if early Rushes fail.
To be even more blatantly stereotypical, imagine the Rusher as chavs, Turtler as another group (e.g emos, goths) and the Boomer as nerds.

If you substitute resources for academics, military for social outgoing and defence for ways of stopping harm, you have a good analogy.
I'm very pleased with it.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

The product of msn conversations

Young girls love jerks.
If you wanna pull; be a prick.

Being nice will get you NO-WHERE.

Hence my screwiness.


Religion; a reply post

Since greenpanda666 has thrown down the gauntlet about this iffy topic, I feel compelled to write a reply.
Also, it helps towards R.E revision ^^

Right. Just to start with, I am an Agnostic. In my opinion, it is the most logical choice to follow; not completly ruling out the possibilty of an omnipotent being, but carrying out my day-to-day life without such assistance.
The concept of an all-powerful God is an outdated thought. Back in the Stone Ages, we based our faith on the weather; God was the one who brought the rain, the lightning, the wind. Pushing forward to the modern era, science has advanced in leaps and bounds to show us the reasons for these phenomena. The Bible; nowadays shown to be full of hypocritical sayings. Thus, there is no need for a god like that at this age; correct? Maybe.

I feel obligied to reference a certain quote;

"God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?" - Nietzsche

This itself brings with it a number of inferences. If we partially use the theory from "Small Gods", a god can only exist throw belief. Without the belief of the many, a god can die. Do people actually believe in the entity itself, or the people that stand for it (i.e. the Church). Did we, in a phrase, kill God through science? If so, could this bring consequences? Perhaps.

I'd also like to express anger at a number of things. Religion is the one thing that continually has invoked war and despair and suffering around the world. The Pope; the current one is a disgrace, frankly. He rejects the use of condoms claiming they spread AIDS, a fact that has been disproven time and time again. He is a blatant homophobe that condemns homosexuality; he does not deserve to be head of one of the most powerful organisations in the country.

In conclusion, the concept of religion is understandable. People need hope; I praise religions that give people that. But the fanaticism that comes with it; unacceptable.
That's all I got for now; enjoy!

Friday, 1 May 2009

The LIST Mk.1

I just realised. I don't have a LIST. Because everyone needs a LIST in thier lives. Y'know what I mean. It shall be my doom LIST, or just things I want to punch. Either's good.
So, without further ado;

Cryptex's LIST: Mk.1
1. Miley Cyrus.
2. Cats.
3. Die-hard theists that force thier religion down your throat.
4. Bikes.
5. Sheds.
6. Sod's Law.
7. Finishing a good book to find you have no more.
8. Poetry.
9. Stereotypes.
10. Stuff that doesn't work like they should.

I shall provide updated lists later in the future!