Thursday, 28 May 2009


Strikes me that I haven't posted here in a while; nothing much to report, except that revision is taking quite some time. Things won't stick.

Luckily, today was spent devoted to Physics. Physics, one of my favourite and *best* subjects; it strikes me as being a firm choice of job? But I digress.

Maths, Physics, Computing. A strong trio of subjects that will hopefully propel me to work that I will enjoy. Ideal jobs?
- Physics game engine developer?
- Working in NASA or something; rocket science, astronomy?
- Programming/software creation?

Let's hope things go my way.


  1. GEOPHYSIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. You've got a good attitude to your future, you don't need to hope things will go your way because it sounds like you're gonna' make them.
