Saturday 16 January 2010

"Pour it on!"

"Okay, we're dying with our boots on, people..and we're dying standing up! NOT IN OUR HOUSE! Not today! POUR IT ON!" - Guy Gardener, Green Lantern

Anyway, it's an update. An update?! Remarkable.

Tum ti tum..updates; Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy is possibly the best adventure story i've read. It's brilliant. You should go read it. Now!

TV is gaining a semblance of good again! Heroes is back on TV, with a new character that I really like (Edgar, for anyone who cares). He uses two Kukris and is really, really fast. Also, british accent woo

Also, How I Met Your Mother is back on E4. I choose to ignore the fact that we get these SO FAR BEHIND the proper ones, but I don't care. More Neil Patrick Harris is just awesome.
Suit up!
Yeah so thats that. Erm...I got a harmonica! That's pretty awesome. I'm currently learning how to play this awesome Legend of Zelda song that some might recognize:

Regardless. That's me for now folks


  1. bonjourrrrr.

    mega love for how i met your mother
    mega love for heroes. even though i failed at keeping up with the last series, it was quite easy to grasp what I missed.

  2. Heroes is about the only TV program I enjoy, the fight he had with Peter in the safe deposit room last Saturday, if you watch it on TV, was pretty good. I understand about the music, I've always liked listening to music from Final Fantasy played by an 'amateur' on a piano. Good luck with it.

  3. I was so thrilled to find Edgar had a British accent ;D
