Thursday, 30 April 2009

Swine Flu



Swine Flu at this time of writing is level 5. That was done in 6 days. SIX FRIGGIN DAYS. It sounds serious. It could be potentially fatal.

Confirmed Cases: 212.

Deaths: 9

This may not be much, but it's spreading out across the world. The flu itself should be pretty easy to quarantine.

Fuck Mexico. Fuck bloody holidayers who went to Mexico.
Girl at my school has just returned from there.

I'm screwed.

I need precedence.
I'm going to read World War Z. This sounds awfully familiar.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Epitome of idiocy

"Hello, this is the internet helpline. We are not using this line any more, so please go to this website to find assistance; ------"

Sunday, 26 April 2009


(Just so you guys know, the "Hurm" I usually say is taken from Watchmen; Rorsarch's version of "Hmm")

Not been updating much. Blame Valve. Been playing Team Fortress 2 recently, after giving it a go. After you find a decent server, it's one of the most balanced games i've played. And hilariously fun.

Exams are coming up. Ugh. Revision is paramount for this, and I just spent the better half of my Sunday learning French speaking.

Again; Ugh.

It sucks to finish a good book. The main problem being; you have to get another. I just finished Dune, and to be frank nothing can top that. I mulled over re-reading Ravenor, or the Sabriel series. I decided on Small Gods, by Terry Pratchett. It's good to read things about turtles.

Not much more to report; I just wish the exams would hurry up and be done with. This infernal waiting.

We have 3 more weeks until Exam Leave. Isn't that grand? Knowing me, it's going to be revision-based; but i'm gonna have fun.

I've also been toying with whether to go to the prom or not. If I do, it'd be pretty good to see everyone again, once more. However, there'd be the expectacny to ask a girl; which i'm terrible at. Hurm.

Chin up, I suppose.

Thursday, 23 April 2009


I just got tagged by That Girl at So Here We Are ; seeing this before on other blogs, I didn't think mine would be important enough to get tagged xD

Post 10 random facts about yourself;

1) I'm an agnostic; I find the concept of an almighty presence comforting but full of holes.
2) I listen to a variety of music, and I love shuffle; I grew up on coldplay, green day and U2.
3) I'm a recovering WoW addict; i'm 2 months free next week.
4) I adore books and reading, I have a firm faith that reading is more interesting then TV. I read Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett and Dan Abnett for preference. I have recently started reading "classics", such as Ender's Game and Dune. Me+ Comfy chair+ music + rainy day + good book is how I wish I could spend the rest of my life.
5) My favourite TV shows are Heroes, The Big Bang theory, who's line is it anyway and Top Gear.
6) I adore improv comedy and satire. I'm getting better at it.
7) Just for clarification, I was born in America, both parents were from Cyprus and I have roots in Armenia.
8) I recently finished a course of braces; I wear retainers at night.
9) I like graphic novels but despise anime; IT IS JAPANESE PORN. My favourite graphic novel is Watchmen.
10) I change my desktop wallpaper every week. At the moment, it is this;

I have no other friends to tag ^^ Go me!

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Alter Egos

A topic I know much of, I shall hope to explore alter egos and alias', mainly through the use of the internet.

The need for privacy is acceptable, and encouraged. You wouldn't go onto a shady website and put all your personal details because you felt like it, would you? Filth hangs around those sites, and you would do well to avert them. Creating an alter ego, an avatar of yourself in cyberspace is an asset to some, but with negative downsides. A name is everything. Some people choose an alias name and stick by it throughout thier travels through the web. Some people change it, to cover thier tracks. It's all relative. To learn more about these kinds of internet identies, I would steer you to this website- CLICKY written by an old friend of mine.

This post didn't lead to where I hoped I was going to go, but i'll salvage what I can.

In real life, I am a 15-year-old boy, socially inept yet cheerful.
In games though, I become more then that. I become the hero, the leader. I have become Gordon Freeman, Anticitizen One, the One Free Man.

I become Geamo, the dwarven hunter, hero of Azeroth and slayer of many evils. Along with my pet Trex, Tycho, I have slain countless foes and saved numerous cities, aiding dragons, titans and murlocs.

I become Bane, Force Commander of the Blood Ravens chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. I serve the Emperor in slaying his foes such as the Tyranids, Eldar and Orks.

I become Geamo, the Vault Dweller of 101, making my way across the Capital Wasteland, slaying Super Mutants, Ghouls and Enclave forces to find my father; i'm assisted by the Brotherhood of Steel, Fawkes and my pet dog, Dogmeat.

These have been just a few of the avatars I have played in-game. I hope you enjoyed this blog.

Cryptex out.

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Oh, sweet crowbar.

Ah, sweet crowbar, you mean so much to me.
Multitudes of boxes have been smashed to give up thier items to me; through you.
I have slain countless headcrabs and barnacles just because you were so damn useful.


The shotgun, the shotgun, what times we've had together.
Father Grigori gave you to me, and what a present it was!
With the one-shot, I kill normal zombies; the double-shot for the fast, bastards.

Grav-gun, you are mine. From picking up flammable canisters to buzzsaws, we have obliterated combine, zombies and countless other foes.
From solving physics puzzles to blasting away hacks, we have prevailed.

And so it was. I am Anticitizen One.

Friday, 17 April 2009


Rationality is a fickle thing. It comes at you when you dont want it, and is cheerfully ignored by others when you bring it up. Most the time, providing rational explanations will be accepted by the morons of society, which are ironically the majority. Some people won't see reason. To quote the iconic Alfred from The Dark Knight.

"some men won't be reasoned, bribed or bargained with. Some men just want to see the world burn"

People are strange. Fragile. You push them too far and it all comes tumbling down. Meh.

And once again today, I find myself the diplomat. The thin blue line between chaos and anarchy. I hopefully have defused a situation that could have led to violence. Let's hope.
Also, I can't be mean it seems. Psychological flaw.


Sunday, 12 April 2009


Happy birthday, Flep.

Happy Easter, everyone!

Thursday, 9 April 2009



When the storm hits your front door, with a roar you can't ignore....
Ya run, run, away! but there's no place to hide, mate!
When the days turn into night, you don't got no chance to fight...
'Cause you're too late! so kiss your ass goodbye, mate!

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Ooooh controversy.

I have spent quite a lot of today seeing through the veil. I'll talk you through it.

Myspace notifies me of an update by Serj Tankian, a man who I highly respect due to his situation being quite similar to mine. I learn that 24th April is the national recognition day of the Armenian Genocide. Fury rises as I learn more. I read more about the "outsiders" of society, not willing to fall in line with the others.

Serj Tankian. Rage against the machine. Anti-Flag. These are but a few of people out there trying to do things.

There's a lot of shit out there. A LOT. My wanderings take me to the xkcd forums, where I read through quite a few of the threads, and marvel at the logic and the intellectual replies. These intruige me.

I refuse to be a statistic. I will make a difference. Call this a self-motivational. I will not be just a person falling in line with the rest. I will do what I can for people less fortunate then me, via direct aid or supporting others that would. I won't blindly follow orders.

I read about these Sudbery schools. ( They sound...curious. And fantastic.

However, there is a flip side to these kinds of thinking. Surely, I can't be the only one. I must bet that nearly every child to emerge from these systems feels the same way. I am going to quote something;

"You must fancy yourself a rebel, who stands against all forms of authority, and thinks that the Government, corporations and the 'Man' are responsible for all the wrongs in the world which of course isn't very rebellious at all and is what every other 20-something moron in the world who thinks he has an original thought in the world believes."
- How to be Evil
Perhaps this is the case. I know i'm not getting the full picture. But allow my outrage now. I'm 15, I can still be a brat.

Edit; I'm not going to flail this post at other people. Let's see who actually cares for updates.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

(B)Log entry #20

I think it's time for another blog. Was a good day.

Racked my brains for 30mins and couldn't come up with a meaningful blog topic. Sorry.

Instead, I will go off on an interesting subject, I think. Webcomics.

Webcomics are basically comic strips accessed by the internet that are usually free and updated regularly. These are fantastic additions to days I find, due to thier humour and wit. A few that I read; - One of the first, best and funniest strips out there. With little to no contiuity, xkcd brings short bursts of wit that is funny, intelligent and often off-the-wall. Emphasis on stickmen makes you see the words more, with them bringing the main humor of the strip. - Dr Mcninja is another great strip. It is what it says on the tin; A doctor, who is also a ninja. Quite a good backstory, recently transferred to colour drawings. Look at it this way; in one of his adventures, he punches dracula and surfs robot dracula back to earth. - The Order of the Stick. A bunch of adventurers get of classic role-playing genres end up on an extremly long quest. Recent adventures have gone a tad bit stale, but the old stuff is still great. - Penny Arcade. One of the biggest webcomics up, gaming or otherwise. What makes this comic so great is not the comic itself. The creators have been so successful with this venture that they hold thier own game convention, and even greater they have thier own charity set up. Hats off to them. - Ctrl+Alt+Del. A great gaming-based comic, again, with a good backlog of comics. A good read. - Questionable Content. A slice-of-life comic, mainly following the life of an indie-rocker with lots of good references. Fantastic read, but has a bit too much drama for my liking. Think of it like a soap but intellectual. - PvP. Introduced to me through Flep, this is another great gaming-based comic, with a huge backlog of strips from 1998, with great parts of wit and humour. Drama involved. - MS Paint Adventures. One of the wackiest and random comics I have read. EVER.

There you go. Just a few of the better webcomics I read. They just make waking up to a new day that bit more bearable :)

Now, i'm off to kill some n00bs on Dawn of War. Ta-ta!

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Jumping on the Bandwagon

This blog will primarily be for replying to Flep's post, just to prove his impact.

On the note of that blood-pumping chest muscle, I haven't exactly been that lucky in the sense. Social interactions beyond school are now, if ever, melectiously planned out in advance due to the lack of them. It wasn't always like this though.

Back in secondary, I was part of a close-knit group of mates that were great. We hung out at school, we got similar grades so we were parts of the same class, in a sense we were a good gang. We didn't go and do property damage or that shit, we were the decent guys who regularly went to the cinema, round each other's houses and usually played a bit on the xbox/playstation/gamecube. It was fantastic.

Then, we get to college. The close-knit group of mates frays, mainly due to members splitering off (in one case completly without any explanation of why) and finding thier own groups of mates. However, in my case, there was a frickin' annoying rumor going around by the first year that I was of a certain religious orientation that did certain things to boy's genitals (Which i'm most definatly not). For this part, any group I attempted to join I was met with prejudice that was unjustified. This led to a friction between me and my former friends. I went into a period of time where I shunned social interactions and preffered to spend my time playing on my computer i.e. being a nerd.

Nevertheless my grades did not slip, and I was happy to know that it would get better. People in the groups were becoming less prejudiced and all was going well. Then, the impact. One of my former good friends started going out with this girl. They did all the boyfriend/girlfriend stuff and eventually, every member of my previous close-knit group of mates has had or has a girlfriend (in the case of one, 5). I am left without the feeling of knowing what it's like. In a way, I knew that this would happen; me being the last. There just hasn't seemed to be a girl that swings the same way as I do. Meh.

However, things are perking up. I've been assimilated into this new group of mates (who are awsome) and I still have ties into my old mates. One of my confidants that I tell things to is a girl, and we have a mutual agreement. It helps to talk. I think that i'm able to start trusting more; an assent, in my opinion. Social interactions still evade me, but it's getting better. It is.

One of my main helps through my downtime was my brother. The fact that he was like me, but now has a great set of mates, he's going to a top uni, he has a long-standing girlfriend and he's gone to play D&D just goes to show that everything will look up :)

Chin up!

P.S. A long post, but one of the more meaningful i've done I think. A review on American Gods will be up next, so keep tuned!

Saturday, 4 April 2009


Things that I need to do before I die:

Post a well-thought out blog at one in the morning; CHECK

I like pie.

Friday, 3 April 2009



Another blog, it seems.


A horse walks into a bar and the barman says "Why the long face?" The horse says "My wife just died"


A man walks into a doctors. He says "Doctor, i'm really depressed. Life is getting me down. I'm feeling really really down." The doctor says "The great clown Plonkini is in town at the circus. Go watch the show, sure to cheer you up" The man says "But...I am Plonkini!"


I really should write a more detailed post.

But I really can't be arsed. There's nothing I can say that won't alienate people or make others upset. People ask, why are you in such a down mood all the time? The ones who know why are the ones who can't do anything about it. And that's the tragedy.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Its a blog?!

Golly gee its a blog? Hum. Something must be up.

So I was talking a lot today on one of my rant/stories. I like to do these alot, and it might lose the impact through writing but what the hey.

Starts off;
They don't make the packs of magic stars as big as they used to
They got rid of the people on them!
The orange one was the best
They all got rid of them
They live in Islington london now
They're all homosexuals now
Theyre one of the gangs in Islington
Islington is where all of the kiddie stuff goes when they get rid of them
Tellytubbies; 2 of them died to in-fighting, and theyre one of the main gangs in Islington
The only way to kill a tellytubby is to break the screen
The tweenies are all homosexuals now
The only way to kill a tweenie is a bullet through the brain
Kipper the dog had to be put down because he had rabies
Kipper the dog had been ressurected by Arthur the aardvark as a zombie
Clifford the big red dog and kipper duke it out in islington
Balamory was nuked
The balamory gang are all ghouls now
Rosie and Jim's canal boat sank in Islington
Rosie and Jim are now shark-people
Islington is now a battleground for all these

See? Lock me up now folks, it's going to be a long night...

Wednesday, 1 April 2009


Ello! It'sa me again, nearly Easter! Woo

Been getting a lot of coursework recently; suckish.
Got an interesting story to tell, though.

Alright, i'm on the late bus back (YAY DT DONE) and a pretty girl sits next to me; we never talk regularly with each other, just out of no reason I didn't want to question. I have a look and who would it be but my good friend who I used to go swimming lessons with when I was a wee lad. She's pretty nice, but no "hello", no "how are you", no "goodbye". Nothing. How people can change, eh.

Now i've got some ass flying off the handle at me for no reason because for some reason i'm now being told that I "insult" him, or "insult his friends". This was with no warning. And apparently, I "stabbed him in the back by turning all his friends against me". FFS.

That's how I roll. If you don't like it, you can gtfo.