(Just so you guys know, the "Hurm" I usually say is taken from Watchmen; Rorsarch's version of "Hmm")

Not been updating much. Blame Valve. Been playing Team Fortress 2 recently, after giving it a go. After you find a decent server, it's one of the most balanced games i've played. And hilariously fun.
Exams are coming up. Ugh. Revision is paramount for this, and I just spent the better half of my Sunday learning French speaking.
Again; Ugh.
It sucks to finish a good book. The main problem being; you have to get another. I just finished Dune, and to be frank nothing can top that. I mulled over re-reading Ravenor, or the Sabriel series. I decided on Small Gods, by Terry Pratchett. It's good to read things about turtles.
Not much more to report; I just wish the exams would hurry up and be done with. This infernal waiting.
We have 3 more weeks until Exam Leave. Isn't that grand? Knowing me, it's going to be revision-based; but i'm gonna have fun.
I've also been toying with whether to go to the prom or not. If I do, it'd be pretty good to see everyone again, once more. However, there'd be the expectacny to ask a girl; which i'm terrible at. Hurm.
Chin up, I suppose.

Lol, same.... about more or less everything. The heavy revision will make exam leave shitty, but the weeks can't be all revision. Yay for writing, blogging and facebooking.
ReplyDeleteYep, I feel completely the same way abt the prom. Ive only ever got rejection from that kind of thing, so of course im abit loath to go there......
:) panda
i too am debating prom attedance. First of all theres 240 tickets for a year of 600+ students, and it would also save some hassle with who to go with.