I think it's time for another blog. Was a good day.
Racked my brains for 30mins and couldn't come up with a meaningful blog topic. Sorry.
Instead, I will go off on an interesting subject, I think. Webcomics.
Webcomics are basically comic strips accessed by the internet that are usually free and updated regularly. These are fantastic additions to days I find, due to thier humour and wit. A few that I read;
http://xkcd.com/ - One of the first, best and funniest strips out there. With little to no contiuity, xkcd brings short bursts of wit that is funny, intelligent and often off-the-wall. Emphasis on stickmen makes you see the words more, with them bringing the main humor of the strip.
http://www.drmcninja.com/ - Dr Mcninja is another great strip. It is what it says on the tin; A doctor, who is also a ninja. Quite a good backstory, recently transferred to colour drawings. Look at it this way; in one of his adventures, he punches dracula and surfs robot dracula back to earth.
http://www.giantitp.com/index.html - The Order of the Stick. A bunch of adventurers get of classic role-playing genres end up on an extremly long quest. Recent adventures have gone a tad bit stale, but the old stuff is still great.
http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/ - Penny Arcade. One of the biggest webcomics up, gaming or otherwise. What makes this comic so great is not the comic itself. The creators have been so successful with this venture that they hold thier own game convention, and even greater they have thier own charity set up. Hats off to them.
http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php - Ctrl+Alt+Del. A great gaming-based comic, again, with a good backlog of comics. A good read.
http://www.questionablecontent.net/ - Questionable Content. A slice-of-life comic, mainly following the life of an indie-rocker with lots of good references. Fantastic read, but has a bit too much drama for my liking. Think of it like a soap but intellectual.
http://www.pvponline.com/ - PvP. Introduced to me through Flep, this is another great gaming-based comic, with a huge backlog of strips from 1998, with great parts of wit and humour. Drama involved.
http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?viewmap=4&p=001786 - MS Paint Adventures. One of the wackiest and random comics I have read. EVER.
There you go. Just a few of the better webcomics I read. They just make waking up to a new day that bit more bearable :)
Now, i'm off to kill some n00bs on Dawn of War. Ta-ta!
ahah i loled at how 3 of those links said i'd been on them before (ya know the used link thingy when it changes colour?)
Wooo :] I'd add some in, but none come to mind at the moment. Nice list, in any case